Fly screens
Flies, insects and bugs are a very real problem in Australia, and without added protection, they can make your life at home less than comfortable. But there is a cost effective and convenient way to ensure this doesn’t happen.
At ehi we stock a great choice of fly and insect screens that are not only functional and stylish, but they won’t ruin that amazing view you have outside either. What’s more, they also act as a great deterrent for pieces of debris – such as leaves, rubbish, and so on – which can sometimes get inside your house when doors or windows are left open.

RENSON regularly optimises its products to continuously improve upon the comfort level, appearance, and durability. Pressure tests, wind tunnel tests, climate tests and endurance tests guarantee the quality of a Renson outdoor blind. Thanks to our ingenious Fixscreen technology, the fabric is windproof in every position. The outdoor blinds can withstand wind speeds of up to 130 km/h when closed. This is equivalent to 12 on the Beaufort scale, namely, a hurricane.
Available in 100mm & 150mm Cassettes


Home Automation